Francis & Alice COLERIDGE of Kensington

Francis Randolph Cyril COLERIDGE, born in 1852, is the second son of Francis & Sarah COLERIDGE of Thorverton, and there is a record of his marriage:

Francis Randolph C COLERIDGE's marriage to Alice Gertrude HAYHURST-FRANCE was registered in September 1903 in Kensington.

1911 census for Wiltshire

Address Name Age Relation Occupation
Howington Hse
Fras. Randolph C COLERIDGE
Alice Gertrude COLERIDGE
Retired Chief Constable of Devon
    Constabulary on pension

In 1911 Francis & Alice are in Salisbury.

There are records of the deaths of Francis & Alice:

Francis R C COLERIDGE's death, aged 79, was registered in March 1932 in Bodmin, Cornwall.

Francis Randolph Cyril COLERIDGE of Tregadock St. Mabyn Cornwall died 3 January 1932 Probate Bodmin 13 April 1932 to Alice Gertrude COLERIDGE widow Atherton Henry Hayhurst HAYHURST-FRANCE captain H.M. army and Ernest Woollaston GILL solicitor. Effects £4036 1s. 1d.

Alice G COLERIDGE's death, aged 84, was registered in December 1957 in Cirencester, Gloucestershire.